My Approach
After all I have tried and tested on myself the number one thing, I have learned is…. No two people are alike. Each client is different, what works for one person, might not work for the next person. In my journey I was seen by all kinds of doctors, chiropractors, natural paths and tried all kinds of treatments, different medications, diets, and supplements and through all this trials and error, I believe I can help you stop the cycle of trial and errors. We know God created a perfect body and this perfect unique body has the ability and want to keep this unique body in Homeostasis. I believe one has to start with rebuilding the body’s innate ability to rebuild up the body’s vital reserve. We start with investing the H.I.D.D.E.N. internal and external stressors in one’s life. Then using FDN functional diagnostic protocols and lab testing we can work on educating and getting clients to feeling better and enjoying life.
Today people are facing unprecedented levels of health problems
Chronic Stress-Related Disorders
- Allergies, acne, and rosacea
- Blood sugar, Diabetes
- Insomnia, wakefulness, OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea)
- Headaches, fogginess
- Indigestions, bloating
- Fatigue, lethargy, malaise
- Inflammation, pain, asthma, RLS (Restless legs syndrome)
- Low sex drive, PMS, irregular cycles
- Depression, anxiety, emotional fragility
- Hypertension, cholesterol problems
- Excessive weight gain, weight loss
We don’t medicate, we educate.
Through different functional lab testing we identify the H.I.D.D.E.N internal stressors and dysfunction which highly correlate with most common health complaints and healing opportunities within all these systems
- Hormone
- Immune system
- Digestion
- Detoxification
- Energy Production
- Nervous System
Because of these stressors people are facing unprecedented levels of Chronic Stress-Related Disorders Allergies, acne, and rosacea High Blood Sugar, Diabetes Insomnia, wakefulness, OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) Headaches, fogginess Indigestions, bloating Fatigue, lethargy, malaise Inflammation, pain, asthma, RLS (Restless legs syndrome) Low sex drive, PMS, irregular cycles Depression, anxiety, emotional fragility Hypertension, cholesterol problems Excessive weight gain, weight loss If you are tried of the cycle of trial and error and would like to be educated and work on building back your vital reserves so you can get to feeling like you use to, please contact me for a free 30 minute consultation. (please Insert contact information email)